These money funnels into political charities and organizations by foreign countries need to be stopped.
We knew this was happening to peddle influence in the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton.
As it turns out, it looks like the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania was also serving as a funnel for influence, and the Chinese were all in.
Pay for Play
These charitable organizations are serving as nothing more than fronts for far too many politicians.
When you look at the roster of employees in these organizations, it is often the who’s who of friends and family of powerful politicians.
In the case of the Clinton Foundation, it was Chelsea Clinton bringing in the big bucks.
In addition to these massive salaries, these organizations will also start writing some big checks for candidates, so everyone wins, and it all looks on the up and up.
For Joe Biden, tens of millions of dollars were funneled to the Biden Center at the University of PA by the Chinese.
Conveniently, Anthony Blinken, currently Biden’s Secretary of State, was the managing director until 2019.
All told, some $54 million made its way into the organization’s coffers.
Additionally, Joe Biden was paid more than $900,000 from 2017 to 2019 by the University.
You see how this works, right?
Give us influence while you are in office, we will donate boatloads of cash, some of which will be given to said person in the form of ridiculous speaking fees or overpaid positions.
Now, the National Legal and Policy Center, an ethics watchdog, wants some accountability regarding the funding it received and how this money was distributed.
It will be interesting to see if the DOJ slams the brakes on this or allows it all to play out.
Source: The Blaze