Mitch McConnell Stuns Congress and Voters – Time To Wake Up…

Mitch McConnell may not be right about everything, but he even has Senator Chuck Grassley backing him up on this one:

People need to wake up.

McConnell isn’t all that rosy about the chances of Republicans in upcoming Senate races.

His biggest concern?

In what could be seen as an attack on the depth of the GOP, he referenced “candidate quality.”

“I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate,” McConnell said. “Senate races are just different. They’re statewide. Candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome.”

Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, recently backup up McConnell 100%.

“Many people’s pocketbooks are being robbed every day because of Biden’s inflation. And, I think that the motive that McConnell would have would be that he wants to wake people up to the fact that this is an important election coming up and that you better be on your toes, both as a candidate, and people are supporting Republicans, or maybe we wouldn’t want to win control of the United States Senate. But he needs to have people help by voting, help by getting votes out and help by contributing to the candidates, and most importantly, the candidates working just as hard as they can. If there’s any of these candidates in Ohio or Pennsylvania or Arizona that are working harder than anybody that’s on their campaign staff, they’re not working hard enough.”

As in most states, inflation is currently the number one issue on the minds of the people of Iowa.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.


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