Brian Stelter’s ratings at CNN have just about hit rock bottom.
He is desperate, and his latest slam against both Senator Cruz (R-TX) and Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is proof of that.
When Carlson called Cruz out on something he said and Cruz apologized, Stelter just about lost his mind.
The New Trump
The name “Trump” is the bad word in the English language.
If you are in any way associated with Trump, you are an evil person, according to Democrats and the mainstream media.
Tucker Carlson can be a bit extreme at times, but his interview with Senator Cruz was dead on.
Cruz had called the rioters on January 6 domestic terrorists, which feeds the narrative that Democrats and the media want to feed.
When Carlson called out Cruz on this, then refused to accept Cruz’s initial defense, it made for some great TV.
Cruz eventually conceded that he should not have used that specific language, which was a bit much for Stelter to take.
Carlson did his job there, and nothing more. Cruz made a bogus statement and Carlson called him out.
Stelter, in response, stated, “Cruz folded like a paper airplane. I think what it shows is the Republican messaging about being tough on crime, which is something that’s gone back decades that Cruz was trying to lean into, has come up against this denial of the January 6 crime.
“So, you have Tucker Carlson trying to take a position that what we saw with our own eyes didn’t really happen.
“Not that many police officers were injured, even though some of the officers that were attacked that day still can’t get back to work because the injuries were so severe.
“But Carlson’s in such profound denial about that, that he has to put on this performance and Cruz, absolutely begged for forgiveness.”
“About a year ago, media reporters like yours truly start started to say Tucker Carlson is the new Donald Trump. I’ve never seen a bit of proof better than this. This is the ultimate example of Tucker Carlson’s power. He essentially now runs the GOP media.
“As we think about the midterms in 2024, there’s going to be a Tucker Carlson primary and you just saw what it’s going to be like.
“It’s going to be this kind of obsession with sticking to the party orthodoxy and denying the reality of the riot.”
Here is the thing, Brian… Carlson never denied the reality of the riot, as you claim; all he did was ask that the terminology be accurate because he knows people like you will take any comment to feed the fire.
Maybe Tucker and Stelter can go head-to-head and compare ratings to see who the public believes is the more honest journalist.
What did you think of Stelter’s comments about Carlson being the “new Trump”?
Tell us what you think in the comments section below.
Source: Breitbart