Liberals want you to think that the people who support Florida’s Bill banning inappropriate classroom discussion for children below fourth grade are nothing but sexists and homophobes.
A recent poll has shown that they’re NOT.
They’re average Americans.
That’s right, despite liberals telling you that the only people supporting this Bill are knuckle-dragging bigots, it’s simply not true.
Unless, EVERYONE in America is a knuckle-dragging bigot.
Because that’s exactly who supports the bill in Florida that liberals are up in arms about.
Liberals want children to be pushed towards transgenderism and mental illness, so they have no problem with teachers telling six-year-olds that they need their penis ripped off to be their “true self.”
The rest of America has a HUGE problem with it, which is why this bill came to be in the first place.
Sixty-two percent of American voters support this bill, so don’t let them bully you for a second if you do as well.
SOURCE: Breitbart.