Democrats have the all-or-nothing mentality right now.
They are convinced that they can get the GOP to fold on just about everything with enough pressure.
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, once a conservative and now a screaming liberal, is calling out Senator Schumer (D-N.Y.) on this tactic, telling him to take whatever wins he can get while the Democrats still have control of Congress.
Take What You Can Get
There are definitely Republicans that are willing to work with Democrats on legislation that would benefit both parties.
While neither side would come away with a complete win, both sides would get something they want, and that is really the point of Congress, right?
Serving all people, compromising, and bargaining to create legislation everyone can live with.
We get what is most important to us and they get what is most important to them.
Scarborough made this point, stating, “My only question is, going back to Schumer, why don’t you get a bipartisan vote?
“Democrats don’t understand; they don’t understand.
“So you can’t get 100% of what you want. You can’t get 80% of what you want. Maybe get 60% of what you want, so you can say, ‘We have a bipartisan bill.’”
He continued, “It’s time these people wake up! Take the wins you can get!
“And if you got a bipartisan bill on abortion rights, you take it, even if it is 60% of what you want.
“Because then you can say, ‘We have a bipartisan group of senators, a majority, a bipartisan majority saying that what the Supreme Court is thinking about doing it wrong!’”
He concluded, “That is a powerful message to send that I don’t think the Democrats quite know how to get to.”
I have said that all along… if Democrats created legislation that protected the unborn after, for example, three months, I would bet just about anything there would be enough Republicans that would sign off on that and consider it a win.
They could have put this issue to bed decades ago, but the fact is that Democrats do not want abortion legislation to pass because they want it to remain an issue.
The love stoking the fire on this during election cycles to drive people to the voting booth.
Source: Daily Caller