Hillary Clinton is such a crooked woman, that even when she has time to plot out her responses without a camera or microphone in her face, she can’t do it.
Instead, she’d rather lie.
Hillary Clinton has been caught spreading deceptive information on Twitter.
The reason? She was trying to prove a liberal point.
You’ll notice that almost all of them have a VERY hard time pulling that off while sticking to the truth.
Their wicked witch of a leader is no different.
Her tweet consisted of this:
“It’s the guns” causing crimes.
Really? And not the mentally unstable wackos you’ve created by destroying the idea of God, family, and morals in America?
No, let’s blame the things that literally allowed us to create this great country.
If it weren’t for our guns to protect us against British tyranny, you’d be drinking disgusting tea right now.
Tea isn’t good, and I am very suspicious of anyone who claims that hot tea floats their boat. You should drink something more American, like coffee. Or motor oil.
It's the guns. pic.twitter.com/AzTZEe88TB
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 26, 2022
Uh, okay. She just left off any country America is better than.
Where’s Mexico?
Despite having stricter gun laws and a homicide rate over five times America’s, Hillary’s chart didn’t include them.
Don’t stress out wondering why, the answer is simple: it would have ruined her fearmongering.
Source: Breitbart