BREAKING: End Of Civilization Predicted – Shock Report From…

Bill Maher, despite being a liberal himself, has an extremely dire warning for the leaders of his party:

Liberal policies are why we’re “losing civilization.”

Instead of hold Americans responsible for their actions in an attempt to build better and more responsible generations of the future, the liberals have adopted a policy of “nothing but Republican ideas are wrong.”

Even among the left, there USED to be common sense in this country.

We understood that having a penis made you a man, there’s just simply no way around it.

When liberals tell people “Having a penis doesn’t make you a man” it’s clear that they are throwing all logic and rational thought out the window, and Bill Maher is sick of it.

That thinking doesn’t only apply to trans people though, look at the messages that liberals are pushing about hard, life-ruining drugs.

By giving people needles and safe spaces to use, you’re telling them that they’re drug use is okay.

It’s not.

Bill Maher knows that.

“Everything is not positive. You should be ashamed that you’re using, that might get you to stop.”

Despite shame being one of the reasons people want to stop doing a BAD THING, liberals just want to make people feel good enough to vote liberal without the people worrying about the consequences of their decision-making.

Sure, you can shoot up hard drugs, as long as you remember who’s on your side!

If you ask me, the people who want the addicts to get clean and turn their life around are the good guys.

Of course, liberals will probably call me a bigot for saying that.

“Part of the problem with losing civilization is when you fail to make judgments about how some things are better than others. We have seen this over and over again. Nothing is better than anything else, keeping women in burqas is just a different way to go. And it’s just not a different way to go. And having shit in the park, human feces when you’re trying to have a little baseball game with your kids or something, is just worse.”

Bill then blew up about a government-installed poster in New York City demanding users stop being ashamed of their life-crippling habits.

“This is part of the problem of losing civilization. Shame is part of life. We’ve — we do this — everything — toxic positivity, everything is positive. Everything is not positive. You should be ashamed that you’re using, that might get you to stop”

“This is what I’m always saying to the left side of the country: When what you’re doing sounds like an Onion headline, stop.

Source: Breitbart


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