The Pentagon has decided to cut the legs out from under 60,000 service members.
At a time when recruitment is suffering, the Army announced that it will be cutting benefits and pay for those that never took the jab.
In all, 40,000 National Guard troops and 22,000 Reserve troops will be impacted.
No Soup for You
An Army spokesperson stated, “Soldiers who refuse the vaccination order without an approved or pending exemption request are subject to adverse administrative actions, including flags, bars to service, and official reprimands.”
The timing of this move is particularly interesting, as summer training sessions are supposed to be in full swing.
Instead of these service members honing their military skills if they are needed, they are not grumbling around their homes for not getting a paycheck they were counting on.
Not only that, but if we were to need these troops for deployment, they would not be eligible for duty.
Director of the Army Guard, Lt. Gen. Jon Jensen, stated, “We’re going to give every soldier every opportunity to get vaccinated and continue their military career.
“We’re not giving up on anybody until the separation paperwork is signed and completed.”
This country, and our military, are being run completely backward right now.
Source: Fox News