It is tough to remember a modern-day White House occupant that has failed so miserably in the eyes of the American people.
Even Trump, for all the negative press he garnered, consistently had about half the country in his back pocket.
I would wager there were more that supported him but kept their mouths shut for fear of criticism from their liberal neighbors.
That is not even close to the case with Joe Biden, who is just getting crushed by every polling outlet in existence right now.
We Are Taking on Water
Since the outset of this administration, it has been putting policies in place that appeal to a tiny group of people.
I firmly believe this administration thought that by caving to the extreme liberal, the rest of them would come along for the ride.
That has not happened… not even close.
The latest Politico-Morning Consult poll has Biden trailing a no-name Republican candidate by almost double digits.
In the latest Rasmussen poll, 66 percent of the country believes the man who ran on a platform of unity has the country more divided than before he took office.
That could not have anything to do with this administration making everything about race, could it?
Then there is this report, from yet more polls discussed on Fox News…
I honestly thought that Biden had hit his floor, but he continues to prove me wrong.
Source: Breitbart