Joe Biden keeps doubling down, and his ratings continue to fall.
For the third straight week, Joe Biden got pounded in approval ratings polls.
The latest was the Reuters-IPSOS poll, which had Biden down to 39 percent, with a whopping 56 percent disapproval rating.
Bad Month for Joe
Biden had already been hanging around 40 percent nationwide, with a few outlier polls having him down in the 30s.
Now, however, the polls in the 40s are the outliers, as the national overage has Biden sitting at 39.5 percent.
This is now a bipartisan issue for Biden, with only 74 percent approval among Democrats.
I cannot even begin to describe how awful that is within the same party.
Donald Trump, who was despised by the left as well as having his fair share of enemies on the right, averaged an 88 percent approval within his party.
One of the reasons that Trump polled so low on approval overall was because he could barely make a dent on the Democrat side, regularly polling in single digits.
Biden enjoyed double-digit support for most of his first year in office among Republican voters, but that too has changed.
Even now, Biden is still getting an 11 percent approval from the GOP, more than likely the delusional voters that voted personality over policy and would not dare admit they made a horrific mistake.
The fact that the number has stayed rather consistent over most of the last year backs up that premise, as those Republicans that believe Biden is doing a good job are all-in on Joe Biden, regardless of what happens.
That number also gives us a pretty good feeling regarding the GOP voters that will never support Trump regardless of what is going on with this administration.
In the most current mock polls, Trump leads Biden by less than two percentage points, so he really cannot afford any kind of momentum for Democrats if he wins this nomination.
Source: The Hill