Biden Snaps at Reporter Over Latest Polling… Twists Numbers

You want to get under Joe Biden’s skin and get him to snap with one question?

All you need to do is ask him why the majority of Democrat voters do not want him to run again in 2024.

The latest polling has Biden severely underwater on that topic.

When Biden was asked about it, he cherry-picked another stat to justify it and just about punched the reporter in his face.

Angry Joe

The latest New York Times/Siena College poll clearly had the attention of the White House.

Both Biden and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre were asked about it and cherry-picked the same stat.

Before I get into that poll, watch the interaction between Biden and the journalist when he was asked about it and see how lively Joe gets on this topic…

So, the number to which Biden referred was if Democrats would vote for him over Trump if that is the rematch in 2024.

On that question, 92 percent of Democrats stated they would vote for Biden, with 85 percent of Republicans saying they would vote for Donald Trump.

That, however, was not the question that Biden was asked.

In that same poll, when Democrats were asked if they wanted Joe Biden to run again in 2024, a whopping 64 percent said they did not, with only 26 percent saying he should be the nominee again in 2024.

The reporter should have thrown that right in his face and corrected him on the spot, but I think he got a little scared of Angry Joe.

The poll also found that Joe Biden still beats Trump in a head-to-head rematch, 44 to 41 percent.

I have seen that question go both ways, usually with either of them winning by three or four points, which is a problem.

When you consider how bad Joe Biden is doing right now and at best, Trump is beating him by about four points, Trump cannot be the nominee in 2024.

Everyone keeps pointing out that Trump just about doubles DeSantis when it comes to the GOP nominee, but that means nothing in a general election.

For a Republican to win, he or she has to get the Independent and moderate Democrat vote, plain and simple, and Trump is still not getting that vote.

I am not saying he cannot win in 2024, but if Biden is the nominee and this administration gets any momentum, the margin for Trump is razor-thin, and we simply cannot afford to lose this next election.

In 2024, conservatives will likely have both the House and Senate, but it means nothing if Democrats still have the White House.

Honestly, with everything that Trump has going on right now, he has to bow out and give DeSantis the nod for the GOP to win back the White House in 2024.

And yes, I know that is not the popular opinion around here, but that is the reality of the situation.

Source: The Blaze


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