Biden has basically declared war on half of this country.
Once again, the man who ran on unity is calling out more than half the country as racists.
Not only that, but if you do not support his legislation, you are also now considered a domestic enemy… I kid you not.
How is This Man Still in the Oval Office?
I will be the first to admit that Trump said some inflammatory things when he was in office.
We know this because the media made sure to point every one of them out to us on a daily basis.
Well, I just listened to Joe Biden’s utterly ridiculous voting rights legislation speech in Georgia.
In that one speech, Biden managed to stir up more racial divide in one afternoon than Trump ever did.
As an example, Biden stated, “So I ask every elected official in America, how do you want to be remembered?
“Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?
“Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor?
“Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”
Better yet, how do you like being called a domestic enemy…
This is gaslighting to the Nth degree.
Not only that, but just about everything Democrats are saying about red states election laws is bogus.
Earlier today, I listened to Senator Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) speech where he said that in Georgia, you could not get water or a sandwich in line while voting, and voting times are more restrictive.
The facts… only people affiliated with campaigns cannot hand out refreshments for fear of influencing votes.
Additionally, Georgia offers more voting days and times than New York, Schumer’s home state.
Not only are these idiots spewing this nonsense, but the media is not even bothering to call them out for their lies or check them.
Biden should have been utterly destroyed for his speech on voting rights as divisive and just flat-out filled with lies, but most outlets slapped him on the back for the speech.
How much damage can Joe Biden do in four years? I keep shaking my head at the number of people I know who asked me that question before pulling the handle for Biden instead of Trump simply because they did not like Trump’s personality.
Well, now you have the puppet, so you tell me how much damage this man can do.
What did you think of Joe Biden’s speech?
Did you think it was divisive and inflammatory?
Tell us what you think in the comments section below.
Source: Fox News