Joe Biden seems determined to take every Trump policy in existence and put it into the trash can.
The latest to fall is the closure of the consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem.
Biden is opening up a new office in the city, which his critics already claim will create more violence in Israel.
Trash It
Joe Biden reminds me of online platforms that make change solely for the sake of change.
You know… you sign into Facebook only to see your entire dashboard has been moved around when the other one worked just fine.
That seems to be Joe Biden with all things Trump.
This move makes no sense considering the atrocities committed against Israel by Palestinians in recent months.
For instance, two Palestinians attacked and murdered three Israelis in Elad last month.
Yet, Joe Biden is now opening the “U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs” in Jerusalem.
Some view this as a reward to the Palestinians for their violence against Israel, thinking it will only spurn more violence.
One such person is Victoria Coates, a former Deputy National Security Adviser for the Middle East and North Africa.
She stated, “We had a consul-general in West Jerusalem for decades dedicated to Palestinian affairs, which meant Palestinians had to cross into West Jerusalem for any consular affairs related to the United States.
“Since 2018, their affairs have been handled by a proper U.S. Embassy, which also happens to be in West Jerusalem.
“This unnecessary change with the Palestinians will only prolong the stalemate between them and Israel and will not bring us any closer to peace than the old ConGen [consulate-general] did [before Trump].”
Former Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon added, “The Biden administration is reverting to past failed practices.
“Although the announced changes are essentially bureaucratic in nature, with amendments to names and reporting lines, it is the symbolism of the move which hits home for some.
“It signals an upgrade in relations with the possibility of more fruitless promises to come.
“The Abraham Accords moved beyond broken paradigms and looked for new solutions.
“This new path has been astoundingly successful.
“It is perhaps time for the current U.S. administration to cast aside past failed policies and look to set new, sound strategy.”
How anyone in Israel’s leadership can view the Democrat Party as an ally is simply baffling.
I know the country will never directly call them out simply because Israel needs the aid we provide, but this is another disgraceful move that hurts one of our oldest allies in the region.
Source: Fox News