Biden’s And Putin’s Wars Are The Same

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin aren’t always talked about as being too similar, but there’s at least one way we’ve seen recently that the two are more than a little similar.

In the wars they’re fighting. Putin against Ukraine for land that isn’t his, and Biden against common sense for votes that aren’t his.

The way these entirely different conflicts are very similar?

They’re both based on misinformation.

It’s obvious to see how Biden’s battle is based in misinformation.

The man will twist the truth and use every tactic his shriveled old brain can come up with to avoid answering the tough questions.

Instead of taking care of anything himself, he sends the comically ineffective Kamala Harris and pretends like that’s going to fix something even though it never does.

Our own President’s war on America has constantly projected misinformation in an attempt to deceive the American public.

Putin’s got a little bit of that flair in his campaign as well.

After all, all of Russia’s internal propaganda to its citizens about Ukraine being a safety concern has been completely debunked.

But Putin also had some fake news coming in as well as going out, according to MSNBC.

Former CIA Director John Brennan appeared on the network recently and said that Putin has made grave miscalculations during his invasion of Ukraine, and the cause for that is the misinformation he has been given by “those sycophant advisors that he has surrounding him.”

Only time will tell just what kind of price both of these men pay for fighting their illegitimate wars.

Source: Breitbart


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