America has just set a new record under the leadership of Joe Biden.
This has never happened before in the history of America:
The national average for a gallon of regular gasoline is officially over $5 per gallon.
Remember in the late 2000s, when Americans would gripe and groan about the occasional three or four dollar gallon of gasoline they would come across?
Many Americans would rip off their right arm to be paying those prices now, when money is as tight as ever.
While not confirmed, there is a speculative conspiracy that Joe Biden and his friends have intentionally driven up gas prices as a way to force Americans to buy more expensive electric vehicles.
Relief at the pump isn’t anticipated to get any better anytime soon.
AAA has consistently warned Americans to expect to be paying six dollars or more across the country by Labor Day 2022.
Rasmussen Reports recently conducted a survey that says 57% of Americans have had to alter their summer travel plans because of fuel prices.
Whether via land, sea, or air, it’s becoming more expensive to travel.
That’s because of Joe Biden, so don’t expect the old man to come to our rescue anytime soon.
Source: Just The News