It isn’t just Hunter Biden who’s computer situation has really ruined his reputation.
You can add Dirty Daddy Joe Biden to that list.
Despite having over 70 employees dedicated to his online presence, Joe Biden has failed to gain any considerable traction online.
As Breitbart puts it: “President Joe Biden continues struggling to get his message to break through on social media.”
The original report came from CNN. When even the liberal lamestream media starts calling Joe out for an issue, you know it’s gotten out of hand.
Even though Biden’s weekly schedule includes time for him to create digital content from “the over 70 people on staff who help create it and manage his various accounts,” he still can’t seem to get his points to take off.
Maybe that’s because his ideas are absolute garbage?
No matter how great your team of salesmen are, if the product isn’t good. People won’t buy it.
Sure, you can fool the first few customers (I’m looking at you 2020 voters) but people catch on quickly enough.
Americans don’t like being tricked. Once they’ve realized that’s exactly what you’re trying to do, it’s game over.
It could be 70 staffers, or 700. Joe Biden isn’t taking off online because he’s not good enough.
It’s as simple as that.
Source: Breitbart