Governor Ducey got tired of waiting for Joe Biden to show up and fix his border wall.
So, like Texas Governor Greg Abbot, the Arizona governor decided to fill in the holes of the wall on his own.
He chose to use stacked shipping containers.
Be it a freak accident, a big wind, or foul play, the wall came tumbling back down.
Something Fishy…
The temporary wall is being built by stacking two shipping containers for the length of the unfinished wall.
Each section is 60 feet high and 22 feet long.
On Sunday evening, several containers were flipped, being put back into place on Monday.
The early excuse was wind, but Ducey is not buying it.
He stated, “One of the containers that was knocked over … shows some sort of equipment was used to move them because it dented and put a hole in one of the sides of the container.
“That doesn’t happen with wind.”
The container pictured was dented and damaged, as though a large truck or piece of equipment rammed the container to knock it over.
It also had a large hole in the bottom, possibly via a forklift used to move it out of the way or tip it over.
Hopefully, Ducey’s plan works because Joe Biden could clearly care less about how many people are crossing the border now.
Source: New York Post