Bush Sounds Like Biden in Address on Putin Invading Ukraine

So, if you read any of my work, you know I am not a fan of George W. Bush.

He was protected simply because he was in office during 9/11 and when the country needed someone to stand tall, he did so.

Save the bewildered look on his face at the school when he was first told of the attacks, Bush did an amazing job getting this country focused and back on track.

Other than that, he was a complete disaster in an administration that Dick Cheney more or less ran.

Well, Bush just reminded everyone that he was Biden before there was Biden.

Major Gaffe

Bush was addressing the horror that is Putin, only he made a significant gaffe, then tried to laugh it off.

While discussing the importance of democracy and its threats abroad, he stated, “In contrast, Russian elections are rigged.

“Political opponents are imprisoned or otherwise eliminated from participating in the electoral process.

“The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.

“I mean of Ukraine.”

Sorry, Georgie, but that was you and Cheney that invaded Iraq on a false pretense that got this country stuck in a war that lasted a decade.

That gaffe was picked up on rather quickly…

He tried to laugh it off, stating, “Anyway, 75,” clearly referencing that he was entitled to such a gaffe due to his age.

Perhaps George should take a page out of Biden’s book and hide in his basement from here on out.

Source: Fox News


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