California Democrats Rip ‘Wokeism,’ Costing Dems Hispanic Vote

When California Democrats are revolting, it is a safe bet that Joe Biden has lost the party.

Former California Democrat State Senator Gloria Romero sees the writing on the wall.

Romero is slamming the Biden administration over its radical policies, warning that Dems are losing Hispanic voters in droves.

Numbers Don’t Lie

We all know one poll is never the be-all, end-all for how the country is moving at any given time.

When I evaluate polls, I look for trends, and the trends for Biden in the Hispanic community are getting worse with every passing day.

Biden and Democrat leadership have left the traditional Democrat Party in its wake and are caving to a demographic that represents only a tiny fraction of Democrat voters.

Romero, who largely represented Hispanic voters, stated, “My message is of extreme disappointment.

“I represented one of the most Democratic Latino districts in California, East L.A. and whether we are Cuban-American in Florida or Mexican-American in South Texas, Nevada or here in California, we are sending a very powerful message to the Democratic Party that enough is enough.

“Today’s party is complete tokenism run amok.”

An early April poll delivered bad news for Biden, with his approval rating dropping to 34 percent among Hispanic voters.

Just weeks later, that approval rating dropped down to 26 percent.

Biden is not only experiencing his lowest ratings, but he is also now among the lowest-rated White House occupants of all time.

A lot of the dissent among Hispanics comes with the gender-neutral stance the Democrat Party is making.

Romero touched on that, stating, “We’re looking at the economy, we’re looking at approaches to immigration. We’re looking at language, my God. Here in California, among the Latino community, we not only celebrate Mother’s Day, we celebrate two Mother’s Days and the birthing people lingo doesn’t cut it for us.”

Biden is also starting to lose support among black voters, which the party must have in overwhelming percentages if it expects to beat Republicans in 2024.

The shocking thing is that Democrats see these numbers, yet they keep doubling down on these extreme policies.

It is almost as though they believe they can berate people into supporting this agenda.

Change is coming, my friends… we only need to hang in for another eight months to see it happen.

Source: Fox News


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