CDC Could Cave to Public Pressure on Isolation Guidance

Once again, the Biden administration’s CDC is about to use public feedback in instituting a COVID policy.

After the CDC announced that it was reducing isolation for health care workers to five days, there was immediate pushback.

So, the CDC soon changed its guidance to include everyone.

Now, after even more outrage, the CDC is about to change its guidance again.

Public Reaction

I want to be clear… the pushback here is not because of the isolation rule but rather how the CDC is allowing the public reaction to dictate the policy.

The initial pushback was that the new policy was self-serving, as it was only put in place to take the heat off the administration due to the number of health care workers that were fired over the vaccine mandate.

When the policy was changed to include everyone, the pushback was pointed to a clear oversight… why was there no testing after five days for those not showing symptoms.

That question now seems to be the qualifying reason as to why the CDC is considering updating the policy again.

Fauci explained, “Well, let’s talk about the first principle, George. The idea of if a person is without symptoms and infected, that they need to be isolated for five days.

“Normally that would be ten days.

“The CDC decided that they would cut that down to five days if the person remains asymptomatic so long as when they do go out in the second five days of that ten-day period, back to work or back into society that they diligently wear a mask.

“You’re right. There has been some concern about why we don’t ask people at that five-day period to get tested.

“That is something that is now under consideration.

“The CDC is very well aware that there has been some pushback about that.

“Looking at it again, there may be an option in that, that testing could be a part of that, and I think we’re going to be hearing more about that in the next day or so from the CDC.”

This rule should have been commonsense, so why does it take public outrage to get this adjusted.

Secondly, why is public perception of the rules so influential on these decisions?

We all know the answer… Joe Biden has flubbed his response to the pandemic and now polling is dictating policy.

Do you think public reaction it dictating COVID policy in this administration?

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Source: Breitbart


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