Well, we just found out where Joe Biden is getting all of his COVID tests.
The contract for the at-home tests was given to iHealth Labs.
The $1.28 billion deal ended up boosting the stock of its parent company, which in Andon Health, a China-based company.
And the Chinese did not waste a second making sure everyone knew that Biden just gave China’s economy a considerable boost.
China First…
With all that Joe Biden has been saying about boosting the American company and helping American workers, one would think the administration would have done some vetting here.
Instead, Joe Biden used a company that will send the actual production of the tests to China.
An Andon Health official told the Global Times, “The contract involved is our subsidiary in the U.S., but our production is in Tianjin in North China.”
As a result of the contract, the company’s stock went up 49.07 percent over the week.
Orders for masks have also gone up in China.
One mask manufacturer reported, “The number of inquiries for orders from the U.S. rose by 30 percent over the past week from the prior week, and the company is running at full capacity with its employees working extra shifts to meet clients’ needs.”
Democrats had another gaffe last week as well.
When House members arrived last week, they were given KN95 masks to wear, which were stamped “made in China.”
Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) stated, “We are fighting a virus that came from China, yet the Speaker is comfortable with publicly supporting a Chinese manufacturer, sending our taxpayer dollars overseas and further advertising our dependency on China.”
Now, I could be wrong, but I swear I heard Joe Biden steal some lines from Trump about using American companies that manufactured products here in America with American supplies.
Yet, here we are, with Joe Biden sending 10-figure checks to overseas companies that are funded with our tax dollars.
Perhaps I should correct something I said earlier… maybe Biden’s people did vet these companies properly, which is exactly why the money is being funneled to China.
Source: Breitbart