Memo Shows CIA Referral to FBI on Hillary Clinton Campaign Activity

Was there a purposeful coverup to benefit Hillary Clinton and her campaign during the 2016 election?

Newly released intelligence reports sure make it sound that way.

The CIA reportedly made the FBI aware of suspect activities by the Clinton campaign against Trump to distract from the story regarding her email server.

It’s All Getting Exposed Now

On Friday, John Durham posted another filing for the update on his investigation.

The big news of the day was that the investigation is now zeroing in on what appears to be some very illegal activity of Hillary’s campaign.

A new document has been revealed showing a CIA referral that could implicate Hillary Clinton and James Comey, the former FBI Director.

The referral directly links Hillary to the hacking noted in Durham’s filing.

It stated that Hillary Clinton allegedly approved “a plan concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

The memo is known as a CIOL, or Counterintelligence Operational Lead.

The recipients of the memo were then-FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok.

It reads, “This memorandum contains sensitive information that could be source revealing. It should be handled with particular attention to compartmentation and need-to-know.

“To avoid the possible compromise of the source, any investigative action taken in response to the information below should be coordinated in advance with Chief Counterintelligence Mission Center, Legal.

“It may not be used in any legal proceeding — including FISA applications — without prior approval …”

“Per FBI verbal request, CIA provides the below examples of information the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE fusion cell has gleaned to date.

“An exchange [REDACTED] discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has also revealed documents that further implicate Hillary Clinton and members of the Obama administration.

For instance, there is a communication from former CIA Director John Brennan on a briefing given to President Barack Obama.

It stated, “We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED].

“CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service.”

Ratcliffe believes multiple indictments will be handed down by Durham related to these documents.

This, to me, is the smoking gun that we have all been waiting for from Durham.

This implicates just about everyone that was on TV at the time slamming Trump and saying his idea of being spied upon was nothing but conspiracy theory nonsense.

Comey, Brennan, Hillary Clinton, and yes, even Barack Obama.

You can read the full detailed report as well as see the documents on Fox News.


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