So, one of the most violent cities in the country is about to get far worse.
A new policy was released this week for the Chicago Police Department.
If a minor crime is committed and the suspect leaves on foot, police are forbidden to chase them.
Great Idea
Steal a watch and run away, don’t worry, because the cops are no longer coming after you.
Unless it is a Class A misdemeanor or a serious traffic offense, the police are being told to stand down on lesser crimes.
The days of foot pursuit are apparently over in the city of Chicago, which I am absolutely sure will make the city safer… for criminals.
The policy also encourages its officers to “consider alternatives” when in pursuit of someone that is “visibly armed with a firearm.”
The new policy is expected to go into effect at the end of the summer.
The policy is an apparent response to two separate incidents that took place in Chicago, where two suspects who were brandishing guns were both shot and killed by police officers.
There are some reasonable aspects to stopping pursuit, such as an injured third party or the officer gets confused and disoriented from the chase, but then common sense gets tossed.
But, how many times do we see people stopped for something small that end up being someone that is wanted for a more serious crime?
These are the people that usually run, and can now do with impunity, apparently.
Great job, Mayor Lightfoot. You have now made life easier and safer… for thugs.
Source: New York Post