Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) is a pretty interesting character.
I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with him, however.
I respect the man’s service, but I don’t always seem eye-to-eye with him.
For instance, I agree with the sentiment of a recent statement he made, but I’m afraid I have to disagree with how he presented it.
Joe Can’t Lead
Crenshaw, in talking about Biden’s failures, in part, stated, “This is what happens when you elect grandpa Joe, they have to clean things up. Everything for Trump was taken as if he meant it 100 percent, no way he was joking, or it was an off-the-cuff statement, it was serious.
“You can tell, be a human being, you can tell when someone is joking and when they are not. I take the same stance here. It was a joke. It was a weird joke. If you’re going to make that joke, make it with troops.
“Like, you’re not going to war with union workers. That doesn’t even make any sense. … Biden has this old dottering personality that doesn’t seem like he can lead us in times of trouble.
“I think that is fundamentally what is worrying us all.”
Maybe I am being a bit picky here, but it bothers me that someone like Crenshaw uses the word “lead” when he is discussing an elected official.
Maybe Democrats elect leaders, but conservatives elect representatives, including Joe Biden.
He may have to make leadership decisions, but we are not in the military and we are not children.
If Dan Crenshaw is looking for leadership, perhaps he is in the wrong party.
You can see Crenshaw’s full interview below…
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Source: Fox News