Cruz Slams Biden for Blaming Gas Increases on Putin

Our gasoline prices had gone up almost 50 percent from the time Trump left office to right before the Ukraine invasion by Russia.

The Russian invasion must have seemed like a godsend to Joe Biden.

Based on the administration’s current spin, don’t be surprised if people start to think that Biden wanted Russia to invade so he had someone to blame this crisis on.

Not Me

After promising to accept the blame for everything he screwed up, Joe Biden has done nothing but point fingers at other people.

Afghanistan was Trump’s fault.

Supply chain was COVID.

And now Russia is responsible for rising gasoline prices.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) says not so fast…

Cruz explained, “It really is striking, in 2019 the United States became a net energy exporter, we are an oil and gas superpower, and yet under Joe Biden last year, for the first time since then America stopped being a net energy exporter, as our production went down.

“And the result of Biden’s presidency has been that the enemies of America, countries like Russia, like Iran, like Venezuela are all getting stronger, getting richer, getting more aggressive, getting more hostile because the president is simultaneously weakening our own ability to produce energy and strengthening their ability to produce energy.”

People really need to start asking why Biden waited so long to do something about Ukraine.

We all know Democrats never waste a crisis, so I have to ask… Once Russia decided its course of action, did Joe Biden purposely slow-walk sanctions, thinking it was his latest out?

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Source: The Blaze


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