Over the last few weeks, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has scaled back his public appearances.
Unlike Joe Biden, he actually has a good reason for this.
Now DeSantis is under attack by Democrats, but his office finally fired back a response.
Fake News
Several weeks ago, Governor Ron DeSantis’ wife was diagnosed with cancer.
Needless to say, the Governor cut back on his public appearances so he could spend more time with his wife.
Democrats jumped on this to attack DeSantis, acting as though he is not doing his job.
The first attack came from Democratic Mayor Jerry Demings of Orange County.
Demings stated that residents in Florida should be “outraged” that DeSantis is not in front of the cameras during the most recent COVID surge in the state.
The second attack came by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who was caught vacationing in Florida, sans mask.
AOC tried to flip the narrative on the attacks against her by going after DeSantis for his unexplained absence.
That led to DeSantis’ office releasing a smackdown on all these classless individuals…
Just FYI, @GovRonDeSantis is not on vacation. Literally no one from our office has said that he is. Anyone pushing that could have easily seen the public schedule and seen that he's taking calls and meetings this past week. Not having public events does not = "vacation"
— Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) December 30, 2021
Here is the truly amusing thing in all of this…
Joe Biden disappears for days on end, and nobody ever says a word.
Since Monday, Biden has been in Delaware, and we have barely heard a peep, yet other than conservative publications, Biden is taking zero heat.
DeSantis spends his off hours with his wife, who has cancer, and gets ripped to shreds.
Source: Fox News