How did so much information get out to the media regarding Crossfire Hurricane?
It now appears another leak was found in the FBI.
Michael Steinbeck, a former FBI Executive Assistant Director, was allegedly taking secret meetings with journalists as well as taking improper gifts, which we can only assume were meant as bribes.
Feeding the Media
It is rather shocking how deep this scandal goes among the heads of the FBI.
And, I want to be clear, I fully respect most members of the FBI and know for a fact the rank-and-file agents and supervisors are livid over these scandals.
That, however, does not change the fact this organization is utterly rotten at the top currently.
How was so much information being leaked to the media during the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into possible collusion between Trump and the Russians?
We know Comey and McCabe were doing their part, but Steinbach was also allegedly feeding them information.
The IG report stated, “The OIG investigation substantiated the allegation that Steinbach had numerous unauthorized contacts with the media from 2014 to 2016.
“Evidence gathered from FBI records revealed Steinbach had hundreds of contacts with the media for several years as Assistant Director for the Counter Terrorism Division starting in June 2014 and then after his promotion to EAD of NSB in February 2016.”
The report, titled “Findings of Misconduct by a Then-Senior FBI Official for Having Numerous Unauthorized Contacts with the Media, and for Accepting Unauthorized Gifts from Members of the Media,” was secured by the Washington Free Beacon via a Freedom of Information Act request.
Some of the gifts that Steinbach reportedly received were pricey black-tie events, which included tickets to the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner.
Steinbach retired in 2017, which appears to be a strategic move so he would not have to cooperate in the investigation, as was noted in the IG report.
It stated, “Steinbach retired from the FBI on February 24, 2017, and declined an interview with the OIG.
“The OIG has the authority to compel testimony from current Department employees upon informing them that their statements will not be used to incriminate them in a criminal proceeding.
“The OIG does not have the authority to compel or subpoena testimony from former Department employees, including those who retire or resign during the course of an OIG investigation.”
So, we have yet another black eye for the Justice Department related to the FBI that took place under former Director James Comey.
I just want to know at what point someone will be held accountable for all these scandals.
Source: Fox News