Harris Goes Maskless While Children Still Wear Masks

Kamala Harris has done it again.

Honestly, the next time they tell her she is doing an appearance with children, she should call out sick.

Her latest gaffe was Abramsesque, appearing with a bunch of children sans mask while all of the children were masked up.

Oh, Kamala

Harris was visiting a local elementary school in D.C.

The Thomas Elementary School was graced with her presence to push green energy for school transportation.

Just as Stacey Abrams did when she recently visited children at a Georgia school, Harris went sans mask.

The problem… all the children, in just about every picture, were wearing masks.

Harris should have thrown on a mask for appearance sakes alone, but she did not, and now parents are speaking out.

The latest Harris gaffe has Republicans on the attack again.

For instance, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) stated that it was “abhorrent to see the Vice President of the United States flaunting around a stage with children fully masked next to her.”

Biggs added, “If the Biden-Harris regime had the ability to keep all Americans—including children—in masks forever, they would.

“Keeping masks on Americans and their children is not following the science.”

Mask requirements have been lifted in the DC area, and while there were some pictures where children were unmasked, the large majority of the pictures featured children with masks.

Do you think children should still be wearing masks?

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Source: New York Post


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