Kamala Harris is about to hit the road.
With the Supreme Court brief on Roe v. Wade being released, liberals want Harris as the point person to protect this precedent.
Considering her record in office thus far, this news is about as good as it gets for Republicans and pro-lifers.
Kamala Will Fix It… Said Nobody EVER
When the brief was released, Harris was at the front of the line attacking the Supreme Court.
After seeing the brief, Harris stated, “This is the time to fight for women.”
That would be great if Democrats could actually define what a woman is, but I digress.
She continued, “Opponents of Roe want to punish women and take away their rights to make decisions about their own bodies.
“Republican legislators in states across the country are weaponizing the use of the law against women.”
Harris added, “The rights of all Americans are at risk.
“If the right to privacy is weakened, every person could face a future in which the government can potentially interfere in the personal decisions you make about your life.”
I wonder if she could possibly mean like taking a Gen1 vaccine that you do not want to take or having a liberal teacher tell your young boy that he is actually a girl, but again, I digress.
She continued, “This is the time to fight for women and for our country with everything we have.”
The left is begging for her to take point on this.
For instance, Wajahat Ali of the Daily Beast stated, “Kamala Harris can emerge and own this moment … She is the first Black female VP. She can marshall this energy and try to galvanize it.”
First, to be clear, the Constitution does not guarantee anyone’s right to abortion.
The ruling used a very loose interpretation of the 14th Amendment to include this procedure as a privacy right.
Secondly, please make Harris the point person on this.
She had literally bungled every assignment given to her to this point, so I would very much look forward to her getting into a legal joust with a Supreme Court justice on this matter.
I have read most of Alito’s brief, and I believe it to be a brilliant take on why abortion is NOT protected by the 14th Amendment and why states should regulate it.
So, Joe, please put Harris as the point person on this to ensure Americans get behind the possible decision that is forthcoming from the Supreme Court.
Source: The Blaze