Franklin Graham recently spoke about the warzone that is Ukraine, and compared it to the troubles we’re seeing in America as well.
He offered one solution for how the world could get out of the situation it is currently in:
Jesus Christ.
Whether we’re talking about the situation in Ukraine or the troubles right here at home, the only way Franklin sees things getting any better is if people turn to prayer.
“In Ukraine, there are billboards that say, ‘Our only hope is God.’ We need some billboards like that in America.”
“The only hope is God. That’s the only hope. Only God can turn our nation around. This Easter, I pray that people will look to God, pray to him and ask him for his help in all that we do — and that he’ll bless the nation.”
He thinks that the Ukrainian people’s strong faith in God might be the only thing that has kept them going through such difficult times.
Americans could learn a lesson from them.
“We don’t have to be 100% praying, but if just the men and women of God would pray, God would use those prayers possibly to turn this nation around,” Graham concluded. “I hope that our nation would wake up and see the problems we’re facing and realize that the only hope is God.”
Source: Fox News