It was early Friday afternoon and Biden was headed to Delaware for another long weekend with Jill.
As Biden was leaving, reporters started to hammer Biden with questions on oil.
Well, Jill came in and rescued the puppet because nothing was going to get in the way of their beach day!
It’s Over
Biden has been spreading quite a bit of disinformation regarding leases and profits.
And, believe me, I am not sticking up for the oil industry, I am just saying that Biden does not have all his facts straight.
When Biden was asked about the subject, he stated, “It should not be this high.
“They’re making exorbitant profits, number one.
“Number two, I’ve contacted them, my team has, to ask what their plans are and to give any suggestions they have.
“There are 9,000 leases — 9,000 — that they can drill … but they’re not doing it.
“Number three, I think we’re going to be in a position where we’re gonna —.”
Then Jill jumped in, stating, “We gotta go!”
Yes, because your beach getaway is far more important than the American people getting some information from the man that is supposed to fix these problems after creating them.
As far as Biden’s claims go, some companies are making big profits, but others are borrowing to try to expand refining capabilities, as ExxonMobil stated in their letter.
Regarding the leases, many of those leases are useless, and these companies are not going to drill for the sake of drilling if they cannot make money off the lease.
The oil companies have maxed out refining, so they are pumping out as much as they possibly can, but the long-term supply of oil has been cut, which is why prices continue to rise.
Finally, who the hell is Jill Biden to jump in and decide when a Q&A is done?
The American people want answers, not pictures of Joe and Jill holding hands on the beach.
This is all about protecting Joe before he says something stupid… again.
Source: New York Post