Lauren Boebert, a Republican from Colorado, has never been shy about the fact that she is VERY anti-gun control.
Boebert loves her guns, and she supports the other Americans that do as well.
Liberals, however, do not.
Boebert thinks that the war isn’t on criminals but rather law-abiding gun owners.
If somebody is crazy enough to shoot up a school, is a little detail like guns being illegal going to stop them?
It certainly isn’t.
Do you know what else is against the law?
This idiot in Texas didn’t follow that law, so why would he care whether he was allowed to possess a gun or not?
Boebert broke it down as simply as she could. Liberals wanting to ban guns in a knee-jerk reaction is the same as if Bush wanted to ban planes after 9/11.
The concept simply doesn’t make any sense.
Plans don’t kill people, and guns don’t kill people. Knives don’t either, and those will ALWAYS be legal.
People kill people.
America has a people problem, not a gun problem.
“There is $190 billion that was allocated for COVID funds, and a lot of that is still unspent,” Boebert concluded. “I would like to look into that to see if there’s something that we can use from those unspent funds to secure our schools.”
Source: Washington Examiner