Lauren Boebert has never been afraid to speak her mind.
Even at the expense of her own party.
According to Boebert, if America wants to get out of the hole that liberals have dug us into, then the leadership at the top of either party simply isn’t going to cut the mustard.
“I wish I could tell you that I had full faith in GOP leadership in both the House and Senate to defund the deep state and to hold the Biden regime accountable,” said Boebert. “But I don’t. I’ve been disappointed too many times.”
She says that people lacking backbone like John Boehner and Paul Ryan have been making conservatives look bad for years.
“The Freedom Caucus fired John Boehner, ran off squishy Paul Ryan and we will not tolerate another GOP speaker that works with Democrats more than Republicans.”
Boebert said that she and her buddies are ready to do what is necessary to install proper leadership at the top of the GOP.
“Any bill that funds tyranny while our country is being invaded, my Freedom Caucus allies are a no, and I’m a hell no.”
To read more about this story, click on the source here.