The revolving door in Joe Biden’s administration continues to swing around in circles.
The latest departure is yet another top-level official.
White House Counsel Dana Remus will be leaving effective July.
Later, Joe
It is tough to justify working in an administration when the man sitting at the Resolute Desk has blatantly violated the Constitution and our laws on numerous occasions.
It is even tougher when he continues to talk about his plans to do so again in the future if Democrats do not get their way.
I wish that were an exaggeration, but Biden has abused emergency powers already and plans to do so on several more fronts.
That is not why Remus or Biden says she is leaving, but I have to think that is playing a part in her decision to check out and move on from Biden.
In announcing her departure, Biden stated, “I am immensely grateful for the service of Dana Remus, who has been an invaluable member of my senior staff for the past 3 years and helped reinstate a culture of adherence to the rule of law. I wish her the best as she moves forward.”
This may not be the last we ever see of Remus, however.
If Biden is ever held accountable for his actions, I am sure Remus will be brought back front and center, as she has helped guide Biden through these very murky legal waters.
If her name were Barr or Sessions, she would be getting raked over the coals by the media right now for some of the things she has helped Biden do.
Good riddance, Ms. Remus, but I hope we see you again on different terms.
Source: Daily Caller