Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) is about to do what I had warned he would do all along.
With Democrats struggling, Manchin has now hinted that he is ready to get with the program and revisit the Build Back Better plan.
Manchin wants to scale it down, however, and focus on three main issues.
Here We Go
I stated many times how surprised I was that Manchin held the line on Build Back Better when it initially stalled.
I have seen Manchin make many promises like that through his career, only to fold eventually.
He is great at snagging headlines, but he falls in line with Democrats in most cases.
There are a lot of rumors floating around that Democrat Party election funds are going to be withheld from candidates that do not back Biden’s full agenda.
This is pure speculation on my part, but if those rumors are true, that would help explain why Manchin is suddenly starting to fall back in line with Biden’s program.
Manchin is back up for election in 2024, so he cannot afford to have the party hold back funding in a race where he may be primaried by someone that the Squad puts out there to come after him.
With the way things are going, we can also expect Republicans to pursue that seat aggressively.
Sam Runyon, Manchin’s spokesman, stated, “Senator Manchin is always willing to engage in discussions about the best way to move our country forward.
“He remains seriously concerned about the financial status of our country and believes fighting inflation by restoring fairness to our tax system and paying down our national debt must be our first priority.
“He has made clear that we can protect energy independence and respond to climate change at the same time.
“We must maintain energy independence by advancing an all-of-the-above energy policy to continue producing energy cleaner than anywhere else in the world.
“Additionally, he continues to believe we can and must lower the cost of prescription drugs for working Americans to ensure no family has to choose between life-saving medications and putting food on the table.”
Remember, it was not that long ago that Manchin stated that putting out another big spending bill would only worsen inflation.
Funny how that all changes when your meal ticket is on the line.
Source: Fox News