South Carolina has called for a Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals review of the state’s Fetal Heartbeat Act.
Liberals will tell you that what South Carolina is trying to do is racist and sexist and all sorts of nasty, whatever name calling they can throw at you.
They’ll tell you that the law has no support.
They’re lying.
Twenty-one states have filed a brief in support of South Carolina.
And those are just the states that REALLY support South Carolina.
The states who don’t love the bill, but also don’t hate it like liberals insist they do simply have refrained from getting involved. This doesn’t mean they have sided against South Carolina.
I believe women’s rights are EXTREMELY important.
So important, in fact, that I believe all women have the right not to be murdered before they are born so that they can enjoy all of the rights they should have.
Liberals don’t feel they should have that option.
There’s a reason it’s called Women’s RIGHTS, and not Women’s Lefts…
It’s because one side cares about people. The other cares about votes.
Source: Just The News