Imagine enlisting in the Navy or having gone through the Naval Academy.
You think you are going to be a hardened warrior, trained to defend this country.
Then you get sat down to watch a training video that sounds like it was made for three-year-old children.
Better yet, it is about using the proper pronoun so you do not offend anyone.
Not Even Kidding
The video was leaked earlier this week and it has been all the rage.
This is what our Navy personnel are being forced to watch…
After the report leaked, Rep Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), a former Navy SEAL who has seen more than his fair share of action, with two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart among his many ribbons, responded…
Here’s an idea, fire everyone in the Navy who puts pronouns in their email signature and focus on how to be better at war.
For God’s sake, stop this stupidity.
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) June 21, 2022
I do not always agree with Crenshaw’s politics, but he absolutely nailed this one.
This level of wokeness that is permeating our military right now has gotten absurd and disturbing.
Source: KUSI