REPORT: New Documents Show US Officials Knew China Withheld Data

Dr. Fauci has another problem on his hands.

Judicial Watch released another bombshell treasure trove of documentation that should have Fauci back in front of a congressional committee.

The documents pertain to communications between the NIH and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

What Did They Know?

That is the burning question that has been presented from day one.

Exactly what did Fauci and company know about the research being conducted at the Wuhan lab?

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated, “These FOIA documents show that Fauci’s agency has been hiding information on China’s failure to provide essential data on COVID-19.

“The slow-rolling and stonewalling by Fauci’s agency on China, gain of function, and its COVID response generally is pure obstruction.”

One email, in particular, is very interesting.

The communication was dated January 7, 2020, when Fauci was still telling us we really had nothing to worry about.

The email read, “While [People’s Republic of China (PRC)] health officials have released timely and open general information about the outbreak, a lack of epidemiological data, including an ‘epi curve’ (a summary of dates of onset of the illness), characteristics of infected individuals and other basic epidemiological information hinders better risk assessment and response by public health officials.

“Authorities have also not released information on how they are defining a ‘case.’ Given these gaps in detailed information to-date, and lack of a final confirmed pathogen, the risk to the United States and global health is difficult to assess at this time.

“The flow of official PRC information on this outbreak is limited to that coming from the Wuhan Health Commission and National Health Commission.

“China CDC is referring queries to the three official notices issued to-date by the Wuhan Health Commission.”

Fauci’s NIH has not yet responded to inquiries for comments, but this is not good for Fauci.

The American people were being told one thing while the message behind closed doors showed much more urgency and worry.

I would imagine Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is licking his chops to get Fauci back in the hot seat again.

Source: Fox News


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