Oz Removes Trump from Website Front Page

Yesterday, one of the more important stories of the day on the election front was an apparent break between Governor Ron DeSantis and Trump.

This was not a war, mind you, but DeSantis’ campaign openly stating that it would not seek out the endorsement of Trump.

Today, a similar story broke in someone that has been struggling after barely winning his nomination.

Get It Off My Website

Mehmet Oz, a.k.a. Dr. Oz, has removed just about all signs of Donald Trump from his website.

Oz won his primary because of Trump… of that I have no doubt whatsoever.

As I have stated before, I believe Oz was a bad endorsement for Trump, but he would not have even had a prayer had Trump not gotten behind his campaign.

Now, however, Oz has removed all the promo material on his website that had been linking him to Trump.

In Oz’s social media posts, he has also stopped referring to Trump as much.

His campaign has denied this is the case, stating, “The endorsement is the first endorsement listed on our website and we changed the banner to thank Pennsylvanians after the recount was completed.”

The proof is in the pudding, however, right?

In the latest polling, Oz has made a move against Fetterman, now only down six points from a previous nine.

It is still a mountain to climb, but that number is far more doable than had he started to go the other way.

Donald Trump’s base is his base and they are always going to be loyal, but there are definitely some grumblings out there about people that are simply sick and tired of hearing about the 2020 election.

I talk to many people about this, and many of them hope Trump steps back and allows DeSantis to run for president.

So, let’s get a measuring stick on here with a few questions:

  • Do you want Trump to run?
  • If not Trump, who?
  • Do you think Trump is hurting himself by making the 2020 election the forefront issue?

I look forward to reading these comments, so let’s have them!

Sources: The Hill & New York Post


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