PA Court Tosses No Excuse Mail-in Voting Law

Democrats have been dealt yet another major blow in their effort to minimize protections on elections.

A PA court has tossed the no excuse mail-in voting law.

The ruling puts the ability to send out blanket mail-in ballots in jeopardy for the upcoming mid-term election.

Dems Not Happy, But Trump Is

One of the biggest debates of the 2020 election was new voting laws being put into play without proper legislation being passed.

We saw governors and secretaries of state in many Democrat states make up new rules without going through state legislatures.

In other states, such as Pennsylvania, the rules change would have required an amendment to the state constitution, which did not take place.

At the time the laws were put into play, Republicans claimed doing so violated most state constitutions.

As these cases are working their way through the courts, that is being confirmed.

The lower court ruled 3-2 in blocking the new law.

Commonwealth Court President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt wrote, “If presented to the people, a constitutional amendment to end Article VII, Section 1 requirement of in-person voting is likely to be adopted.

“But a constitutional amendment must be presented to the people and adopted into our fundamental law before legislation allowing no-excuse mail-in voting can be placed upon our statute books.”

Governor Wolf, however, has already stated that he plans to appeal the decision.

Considering Democrats hold a 5-2 edge on the PA State Supreme Court, the likelihood of the lower court ruling holding up is pretty slim.

In announcing his appeal, Wolf stated, “We need leaders to support removing more barriers to voting, not trying to silence the people.

“The strength of our democracy and our country depends on eligible voters casting their ballot and selecting their leaders.”

That is Democrat-speak for no voter ID laws being in place.

It also does not address the fact the legislation circumvented the legislative process as mandated by the state constitution.

Even though it may be a short-lived victory, Donald Trump has already jumped all over the win.

The former president stated, “BIG news out of Pennsylvania! The practice of no-excuse mail-in ballots, put in place by Democrats right before the stolen 2020 Election, has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court.

“Here is the key question: If widespread mail-in balloting is unconstitutional in Pennsylvania now, how could mail-in balloting have been constitutional in the RIGGED 2020 Presidential Election then?’

“We all know the answer—it wasn’t! All American Patriots are thanking the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania for having the courage to do the right thing!”

Sources: New York Post & Newsmax


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