Pelosi: Justice Thomas Never Should Have Been Appointed

The duality of what Democrats and Republicans can say is rather startling.

Republicans are currently objecting to Judge Jackson’s nomination based on her judicial record.

That resistance is being made out to be racist.

Yet, the top House Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, recently slammed Justice Thomas, and nobody is saying a word about it.

Say What They Want

We all remember the attacks against Kavanaugh and Barrett during their confirmation hearings.

They were openly accepted by Democrats and the media, as well as being considered business as usual.

The questioning of Jackson’s record, however, is simply unacceptable.

Senator Schumer is portraying this all as a racist attack against Jackson.

Senator Booker stated that it was disheartening to black people to have Jackson questioned in this manner.

Whoopi Goldberg stated that Republicans might as well come out and say they do not trust a black woman.

On the flip side, House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) just ripped into Justice Thomas with no repercussion whatsoever.

Pelosi, on Thomas, stated, “I never thought he should have been appointed.”

Even though Thomas is black, that attack is okay because Thomas also happens to be a conservative.

Just remember the rule, it’s not racist if the minority is a conservative.

If that is the case, you cannot attack as much as you want.

However, if the minority is liberal, any questioning or challenge is automatically a racist attack.

That is the rule of politics in the 21st century.

Source: Washington Examiner


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