When Trump was in office, with no vaccine and a far more deadlier string of the virus working its way around the country, about 400,000 people died.
Since Joe Biden has taken office, another 600,000 people have died from the virus.
Yet, somehow, House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) is painting Joe Biden as a savior.
God Knows…
I still believe doing prolonged shutdowns was wrong.
Time has proven that exposure and natural immunity seem to be the best defense.
I still believe we needed to and must continue to protect the most vulnerable, but there is no need for young, healthy Americans to wear face diapers and stay home from work to avoid contact.
Pelosi made a statement this week that had me shaking my head in disbelief.
The aging California Democrat stated, “God knows how bad it would be if he had not taken the actions that he has taken.”
When Trump was in office, about 400,000 people lost their lives, and Pelosi painted him a murderer.
About 600,000 people have lost their lives with Joe Biden in office with the benefit of a vaccine, and Pelosi says he is a hero.
When you figure out the logic on that, let me know.
Source: Fox News