The wokeness of this administration and its overall need to satisfy this small faction of the country is utterly amazing.
There is a lot going on in this country and around the world right now.
There is literally a threat of going to war against Russia, and what is our military leadership worried about?
Rolling out an “equity” program.
Now, don’t get me wrong…
I am all for equal pay for equal work, etc., but should this be what our Pentagon is worried about making headlines for right now?
Apparently, it is.
This week, the Department of Defense stated, “While the Department has historically focused on increasing equity within the DOD community, the collective actions described in this plan represent a shift in the Department’s approach and focus to better ensure that we leverage our capabilities to create opportunities for all Americans.”
When Secretary Austin was appointed, he immediately shut down our military and did an in-depth study on extremism in the military.
The findings, there was about 100 people that they identified that could be a problem.
As this was happening, military leadership around the country assured everyone that they would NEVER allow extremists to infiltrate our military.
Our frontline troops stated that they would never allow that to happen due to the serious risks to the overall unit in combat.
We have roughly 1.4 million serving this country right now, so the findings were 7.142857142857143e-5…, less than a pinhead on an elephant’s butt.
Yet, the report stated, “This included a focus on how extremist or dissident ideologies violate the fundamental principles of the Department.”
The DOD also touted its inclusiveness of transgenders in the service, stating, “DOD took steps to ensure transgender individuals who wished to serve in the military and could meet the appropriate standards were able to do so openly and free from discrimination.”
The Department of Defense is starting to sound like a left-wing activist rather than the arm of our government that is meant to protect the country.
Every day these people are in charge, this country becomes weaker and weaker.
Source: Fox News