It has become painfully clear as of late that the United States may be falling behind our adversaries on the military arsenal front.
Several countries seem to be ahead of us on hypersonic missiles.
Now, Defense Secretary Austin wants to “light a fire” under the development team to get the United States caught up to our enemies.
Let’s Go
US Space Force Gen. David Thompson stated that we have “a lot of catching up to do very quickly” on the missile front.
China and Russia have seemingly fully developed their technology, but our hypersonic missiles are crashing and burning.
Our military conducted two tests in 2021, and both were categorized as catastrophic failures.
Considering the temperature at the moment, not having the ability to counter such an attack would be devastating.
These missiles travel at speeds in excess of Mach 5, which enables them to penetrate most current missile defense systems.
The fact that Russia and China are conducting successful testing while we are sending up duds gives our adversaries a huge advantage right now.
Even North Korea is testing hypersonic equipment successfully right now.
In response, the Pentagon has set up a meeting with key developers on February 3, which will include Boeing, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman.
The purpose of the meeting is to “light a fire underneath the entire hypersonic industry.”
In the possibility of the United States no longer having the most elite military capabilities, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, stated, “I don’t know if it’s quite a Sputnik moment.
“But I think it’s very close to that.”
Based on the reports we have seen, I believe Milley may be understating the urgency of the matter.
Are you surprised the United States is falling behind in military technology?
Tell us what you think in the comments section below.
Source: New York Post