Law Enforcement Officials Push Back on Biden’s Expected Police Reform EO

Even though Donald Trump was clearly a pro-law enforcement president, far too many police unions backed Joe Biden in the last election.

The move made no sense, considering how hard Democrats were pushing against police at the time.

We can also consider the many times that Joe Biden himself jumped to conclusions regarding an officer’s guilt.

Earlier this week, it was announced that Biden is expected to push through sweeping police reform via an Executive Order.

Now law enforcement has some buyer’s remorse, pushing back that the order is “not a sustainable” measure.

Sorry, Joe

Biden has always painted himself as a union man, while Donald Trump was not.

This was arguably one of the more significant reasons some top union officials in law enforcement decided to back Biden over Trump.

Biden’s expected EO is going to be a big slap in the face for police.

Biden will more than likely publicly sell pro-police aspects of the bill while ignoring the handcuffs he is actually putting on officers in the process.

Police organizations know what is coming, though, and they will not allow the wool to be pulled over their eyes on this one.

Laura Cooper, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), stated, “Executive orders in lieu of congressional action is not a sustainable means of achieving and instituting change.

“Being pro reform and being supportive of law enforcement are not mutually exclusive and the MCCA hopes that any executive action taken will reflect a balance between improving law enforcement transparency and best practices while being supportive of the men and women who protect and serve our cities.”

Cooper is dead on here, as anyone can undo an order after Biden leaves office, but she also missed some critical points on the timing of this issue, which Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith, spokesperson for the National Police Association, did not.

The fact is this is a PR move by Biden to try to change the news cycle and nothing more.

Smith stated, “After the worst week politically in his presidential career, it appears that Joe Biden plans to pivot to ‘police reform’ to prop up his faltering reputation and revive his popularity with ‘anti-police’ activists.”

She further called it an “ill-timed” effort, especially when considering the dramatic rise in attacks against officers around the country.

Smith stated, “The priority of the White House should be to protect ALL communities, instead of pandering to a militant wing of idealists and activists who believe that police officers are the problem, not the solution, to violent crime.

“The National Police Association encourages the President and his staff to make decisions utilizing the facts about crime in American, as well as about police use of force, and stop engaging in false rhetoric designed to vilify our profession.”

Adding, “Right now, we need President Biden’s leadership, not his partisan pandering, if we are going to save the lives of both American law enforcement officers and the communities we are trying to protect.”

We warned them all, time and time again, yet they still fell for the puppet’s rhetoric.

I obviously support our police, but many of them brought this upon themselves.

If I were in the rank and file of any police union that backed Biden over Trump, I would be demanding some serious answers from leadership.

Source: Fox News


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