Rand Paul: Fauci Will Be Investigated if GOP Gets Back Congress

Now we know why Democrats are scrambling so badly to cut out GOP seats in Congress.

Not only are they hoping to keep control, but this is also about protecting their golden boy, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

To that point, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) just put Dr. Fauci on notice that there will be investigations launched, specifically into him, if the GOP wins back Congress.

We Are Coming for You

Senator Paul, who is also a medical doctor, has been after Fauci right from the start.

Paul picked up multiple irregularities from Fauci very early on.

He was regularly flipping on stances and at times, making statements that Paul flat-out knew were not true.

This was especially the case when it came to children and masks.

Paul has grilled Fauci numerous times on both of these issues, but they are far from the big fish he wants to expose.

The Kentucky Senator wants to get Fauci on the gain-of-function research he believes Fauci helped fund at the Wuhan lab.

The paper trail we have seen so far, mainly via Freedom of Information Act requests, seems to back up Senator Paul’s conclusion.

If he is able to firmly prove this, Fauci’s career will be over, period.

I honestly expect Fauci to retire if the GOP gets control, or, at the very longest, in 2024 if the GOP wins the presidency back.

Fauci will go into preservation mode to protect his retirement, which would surely be at stake if he is found to have lied before Congress.

And believe me, if Paul proves that Fauci lied, he will throw everything, including the kitchen sink at him, to take him down.

Do you think Fauci will eventually be exposed?

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Source: Daily Caller


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