REPORT: DOD Whistleblower Reveals ‘Adverse Events’ Data

A rather troubling report has just been posted on Just the News.

The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows a significant rise in “adverse events” possibly related to the COVID vaccines.

Average in numerous different medical categories have risen significantly over the last year.


Earlier this week, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) hosted a livestream discussion on the public health response to the pandemic.

One of the panelists was Ohio attorney Thomas Renz.

Renz is representing a whistleblower in a case fighting against vaccine mandates.

According to his client, information captured from the DMED medical billing data shows a dramatic increase in miscarriages, myocarditis, cancer diagnoses, Bell’s palsy, and female infertility.

There was also a nearly 300 percent increase in cancer diagnoses on the per-year average from 2016-2020 to the 2021 data.

What makes the matter even more suspicious is that some of the data appears to have been changed to lessen the variance.

Johnson stated, “[T]here appears to be doctoring of the data.

“Now, my staff has already sent — this morning, we sent a record preservation letter to the Department of Defense to try and protect this data.”

Renz added, “Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes, possibly, killed.”

Is all of this data directly related to the vaccine? Even if it is only partially responsible, this is clearly something that must be looked at and investigated immediately.

Dr. Fauci and company are now pushing to have this vaccine in young children, so we must be sure that it is entirely safe before taking any further steps.

One of the military doctors gave a sworn declaration that, “It is my professional opinion that the major increases (sic) incidences of the above discussed instances of miscarriages, cancers, and disease were due to COVID-19′ vaccinations.'”

So, yeah, I would say this is cause for concern.

Now, I do not want to ring any unnecessary alarms, so if you want to read the full report and come to your own conclusion, click on the source link below.

Source: Just the News


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