Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is about to blow his stack.
Sanders is livid that moderate Democrats will not get on board to break the filibuster.
So, Sanders has now resorted to trying to publicly shame his fellow Democrats to get them to cave.
Bernie Blows His Stack
The rhetoric is getting kicked into high gear right now on the left side of the aisle.
All the catchphrases are starting to be used to make it sound like anyone that will not cave to the filibuster or the voting rights legislation is a bigot.
Yes, my friends, the party of unity is once again trying to create a civil war in this country, yet they will, as usual, blame it on the Republicans.
In an effort to out his fellow Democrats, Sanders stated, “As the voting rights bill finally comes to the floor of the Senate, there is only one vote which will really matter.
“Will 50 Democrats vote to override the filibuster, protect American democracy and pass the bill, or will Manchin and Sinema vote with the GOP and let the bill die?”
Here is the thing, Bernie…
Both of those senators have a very mixed voting block of which moderates make up a significant chunk of their constituents.
I am just wondering if Bernie has ever heard about the devil you know.
I really don’t think he realizes that if Sinema and Manchin back this move, both Sinema and Manchin would get sent packing in their next election.
Not only that, but there is also an excellent chance the Democrat Party would outright lose those seats to a Republican.
Bernie does not have those fears because his voters are on autopilot and just pull the handle for a man that has done virtually nothing during his entire time in office other than blowing his stack and screaming loud.
Sorry, Bernie, but you don’t get to turn the United States into Russia just yet.
Source: Fox News