Democrat leadership put all their chips in the middle of the table last night on a bill that was doomed to fail.
Just as we predicted, it was a strategy play by Dems to go after Republicans again.
Schumer went mental on social media afterward, blaming it all on Republicans, yet it was his own party that failed to get enough momentum for the bills to pass.
Get Them on the Record
Democrats knew the legislation as is, which was crafted entirely by Democrats with no input at all by Republicans, was doomed to fail.
However, he kept pressing the issue that he wanted a vote on the record to call everyone out.
After the vote failed, this is what he tweeted out…
Inaction is not an option on voting rights
Because Republicans blocked these bills that protect the right to vote:
We’re going to vote on changing Senate rules for these bills
The Senate must choose in favor of our democracy
The Senate must stand up and defend voting rights
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) January 20, 2022
Here are the actual facts…
Democrats did not ask nor want any input from Republicans on this bill.
When that is the case, there is simply no way the opposing side will support the legislation.
Democrats worked this angle more than 200 times in 2020, yet nobody ever said a word about it.
Schumer knew the only way he would get the bill to pass was to break the filibuster, which was the only purpose of putting this legislation on the floor.
Now, he blames Republicans when he does not even have 100 percent support from his own party to break the filibuster to have this bill passed.
Both Senators Manchin (D-W.V.) and Sinema (D-AZ) remained true to their word to block the filibuster from being broken.
I actually reported Schumer’s tweet for misinformation, but we all know the powers that be on Twitter will never flag it, even though the tweet is clearly misleading.
This is Democrats, again, drawing a line in the sand, and making gaslighting statements to villainize the entire right.
After the vote failed, Senate Minority Leader McConnell (R-KY) celebrated, stating, “Fortunately, a bipartisan majority saved the Senate and ensured that millions and millions of Americans’ voices will not be silenced.”
Get ready for the racist rhetoric to get turned up during this entire election cycle.
Democrats are going to sensationalize this like nothing we have ever seen to divide this country along racial lines again, but we cannot let them win this battle.
In that sense, Schumer is right… if we allow Democrats to get their way and manipulate rules simply to get their way, our Democratic Republic is at stake.
Vote them out… we are a year away from being able to make that happen.
Source: Fox News