Joe Biden’s administration recently announced the formation of the Disinformation Governance Board.
The board will fall under Secretary Mayorkas and the Department of Homeland Security.
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) had a few questions that should have been slam dunks for Mayorkas yet, once again, the man came off as a buffoon.
Have You Heard…
Let me say this again… Mayorkas is either lying every time he opens his mouth or he is a complete idiot.
Either way, he needs to be removed from his post.
I have never seen a man who is completely unaware of so many things under his charge.
Watch this back and forth with Paul and Mayorkas regarding the Mueller investigation, something one would assume that Mayorkas would be well-versed on…
Paul’s final point was hard to avoid, especially since it came out of the mouth of a United States Senator.
His point… our own government cannot be trusted to tell the American people the truth.
Paul stated, “Do you know, the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is? The U.S. government.
“Are you familiar with McNamara? The Pentagon Papers?
“Are you familiar with George W. Bush and the weapons of mass destruction? Are you familiar with Iran-contra?”
Mayorkas has to go… period.
Source: Fox News